Conflict Resolution
May 01, 2017
Australian Group Study Exchange Team
Conflict Resolution
The Australian Rotary Exchange adults are coming from April 30 to May 6.  Their specialty is conflict resolution: 
1. Miss Tracy Wyatt - the Team leader
2. Miss Donyque Curtis 38-Senior Bomb appraisal Officer with the Australian Federal Police, Counter Terrorism first response, and Public order management- she received the Australian Federal Service Medal in 2015.
3. Mr. Richard Dening 31-Project Manager, Supported Elder Mediation '
4. Miss Emily Seaman-33- works in Papua New Guinea as a Practice Mentor training to the Department of Immigration to deliver Refugee settlement services that support refugees to achieve independence and self-sufficiency. She has volunteered with Red Ross, Amnesty International.
5. Roberta Ramoifulia-30- is a counselor for Family support- assisting victims of domestic violence and survivors of gender based violence.